Art Visions – The hotel as a gallery

Young artists present their works for and in the IntercityHotel – a cooperation with students

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Art Visions – The hotel as a gallery

Arrive, relax and discover the city –our IntercityHotels are waiting for you in central locations in Europe’s most exciting cities as well as international destinations. Their modern facilities and the relaxing atmosphere provide the perfect starting point for all kinds of business and leisure trips.

In line with the modern design of IntercityHotel, special attention is paid to the choice of photographs. Selected IntercityHotels have been curated with individually designed photographs within the scope of the project “Art Vision”, presenting the special feature of the city or region as well as the characteristics of the respective hotels.


This project is the only cooperation of this kind between a major German hotel chain and a University of Applied Sciences which offers young artists the opportunity to present their works to a broad audience. The cooperation with FH Bielefeld started in 2008 and is already represented in over 30 Hotels in Germany, Austria, Netherlands, Switzerland and Hungary. Students of Photography and Media at the University of Applied Sciences Bielefeld were asked to design the public areas as well as the hotel rooms of the respective IntercityHotels.

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Each project is based on a particular and individually implemented topic which is reflected in the photographs in a number of ways. This way, the city is shown in a totally new, special perspective and can now be discovered and experienced anew – even right inside the hotel. When designing IntercityHotel Amsterdam, the students took into account Haarlemmermeer’s environment, where IntercityHotel Amsterdam is located. The “FlowR” work considers the region’s water dominant landscape and fields of flowers. The students present their personal impressions through photography.

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