It is part of our self-image that we consider the impact of our actions on the environment and climate, on people and society in our decisions. In doing so, we also take a look at our value chain, from raw materials and products to the travel behavior of our guests. In order to make our understanding of responsibility and the resulting measures and goals transparent both internally and externally, we have backed up our corporate social responsibility strategy with a CSR roadmap.

Our CSR roadmap includes binding short-, medium- and long-term targets for all key sustainability issues at Deuschen Hospitality. These targets enable us to assess how we are approaching our ambitions. This makes CSR controllable by us in a business sense. This clear orientation and the consideration of sustainability expectations of various stakeholders help us to secure our market position via our CSR strategy, to minimize risks at an early stage, to implement innovation and thus to promote growth and our internationalization. We involve our employees in social commitment and thus strengthen the effectiveness of our activities.



We work hand in hand.

Because the "we" is always stronger than the "I."

Whether managers or trainees - in our culture of togetherness, everyone can and should play their part in our success. Because our employees are the most important drivers of sustainable action. As an employer, we therefore set priorities in the areas of personal development, equal opportunities, health and mobility for each individual - so that we can continue to develop our corporate culture, which is based on openness to the world and reliability.


We will be climate-neutral by 2050.

Because conserving resources means the future.

To have a positive impact on our CO₂ footprint, we must use natural resources responsibly. Through certifications, we ensure high sustainability standards for our buildings and processes worldwide: Resource-conserving construction standards that affect the planning, construction, and operation and maintenance of our buildings are intended to make a major contribution to our goal of climate neutrality in the long term in this regard.



We combine sustainability and high service quality.

Because our guests deserve only the best.

We want to offer our guests ever more sustainable services. In this way, we not only improve our services on site, but also increase our impact on the climate and society. We are therefore not only providing impetus for more ecological travel behavior, but are also starting with ourselves: For example, we are rethinking For example, we are reconsidering packaging and are promoting sustainability in the area of food and beverages through targeted activities.


We keep an eye on the impact of our actions.

Because it is time to give something back.

We want to set trends for the future and take our suppliers with us on the journey to greater sustainability. Be it through our purchasing behavior, where we are placing more and more emphasis on regional, fair trade and certified products. Be it through more sustainable supply chains or through compliance with human rights. We are continuously working to ensure that our high standards are implemented and adhered to. We have the same aspiration for our partners on a global level.



We are open in our dealings and fair in our interactions.

Because we involve our environment.

Social commitment has always been a concern of ours and will become increasingly important in the future. Through our locations around the world, we can and want to use our influence on the social environment and help shape local social life. To this end, we are building long-term partnerships and networks. We also involve our employees in social commitment and thus strengthen the effectiveness of our activities.