Welcome to the city under the sign of the lion

As the second largest city in Lower Saxony, Braunschweig offers the right leisure activities for every interest and age group with its cultural offerings in theaters and exhibitions as well as historical sights and various sporting activities. The half-timbered houses in the center still give an idea of the age of the city, which became a trading metropolis under Henry the Lion. The old town with the town hall and the market as well as the surrounding museums on the history of the town, which has existed since the ninth century, are particularly worth seeing. The Steigenberger Hotel Braunschweig offers ideal accommodation for guests attending events such as concerts or sports competitions in the Volkswagen Halle. In the immediate vicinity, the Bürgerpark and Löwenwall are ideal for active relaxation, while the nearby Harz Mountains are perfect for extended hiking tours.

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