The Conference of Independent Data Protection Authorities of the Federation and the Länder (Datenschutzkonferenz - DSK) has pointed out that Facebook is obliged to obtain effective consent for data use from all visitors to its Facebook page. The operators of a Facebook fan page, on the other hand, are required to obtain the necessary information about Facebook's use of data. These requirements have now been met.

When visiting our fan page, Facebook collects personal data of the users within the scope and extent of their responsibility. Such data collection by Facebook may also occur for visitors to this page who are not logged into Facebook or registered as members. Information about the data collection and further processing by Facebook, as well as information about the implementation of your rights and decision-making options, can be found in Facebook's privacy policy.

We have no influence on the scope and no full access to the collected data or your profile data. You decide what information we receive within the exclusive responsibility of Facebook with your Facebook settings or your browser settings when visiting a publicly accessible page. In addition, you have the option in your Facebook settings to actively hide your "likes" or to no longer follow the fan page. Then your profile will no longer appear in the list of fans of this fan page.

We receive anonymous statistics from Facebook on the use and usage of the fan page. The following information is provided here, for example (so-called insight data): Followers: number of people who follow our fan page - including increases and development over a defined time frame. Reach: Number of people who see a specific post on our fan page and number of interactions on a post. Ad performance: number of people who saw an ad. Demographics: average age of visitors, gender, location, language.

We use these statistics, from which we cannot draw any conclusions about individual users, to constantly improve our online offering on Facebook and to better respond to the interests of our users. We cannot link the statistical data with the profile data of our fans. You can decide via your Facebook settings in what form you are shown targeted advertising.

We receive personal data via Facebook if you actively communicate it to us via a personal message on Facebook or if you use a form to transmit the data to us and actively send the data to us by clicking on a button. We use the data you provide (e.g., first name, last name) to respond to your request in our customer service, if this is necessary. Your data will be stored in our CRM system for this purpose. If necessary, we use the data you have provided to us to prosecute criminal offenses or to enforce our legitimate interests or the legitimate interests of data subjects pursuant to Art. 6 (1) c, d, f DSGVO.