Zleep Hotel Aalborg

126 beautiful rooms in Aalborg

At Zleep Hotels, we believe that great rates and good quality go hand in hand. In Aalborg we offer you, the people of Aalborg, tourists and business travelers a hotel with attractive prices and offers. Just across from the hotel is a Q-Park parking garage, making it easy to park near the hotel; and since everything in Aalborg city center is within walking-distance, you can leave your car parked. In the hotel lounge, we offer good service, a selection of draft beers and a cozy atmosphere that makes room for both work and ‘hygge’.

Jyllandsgade 6, 9000 Aalborg, Denmark

Features of the Hotel

In the room

Our Rooms (4)

Good to know

H Rewards
Additional guests

Hotel information

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Request a Corporate Agreement

Make the trip easier and the work more efficient with a corporate agreement. We offer a corporate agreement which you can use within the whole hotel chain providing your business a good discount at all our hotels, regardless of where in the country you need a good bed to sleep in. At Zleep Hotels, we guarantee quality and an efficient and fast check in process, making it easy and quick for you to relax your feet in our hotel bed after a long day of work.