Zleep Hotel Lyngby

New hotel in Greater Copenhagen

Zleep Hotel Lyngby’s 112 rooms are designed and decorated with everything you need to get a good night’s sleep. At the very heart of every room is our quality bed. In addition, you will of course find a chair, a writing desk, cosy lighting and a quality shower. You will find great comfort in every room.

Facilities at the hotel in Lyngby

  • Organic breakfast
  • Free parking
  • Free WiFi
  • Bar & lounge
  • Easy access to fitness (buy a day pass in the reception)
Lundtoftegårdsvej 12, 2800 Kongens Lyngby, Denmark

Features of the Hotel

In the room

Our Rooms (5)


Good to know

H Rewards
Additional guests

Hotel information

Apartment Hotel

Zleep Hotel Lyngby is an apartment hotel with rooms made for long stay travelers. These rooms are called Zleep Living and are 50% larger than a regular hotel room and equipped with a kitchenette.

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Hotel Deal for companies

Many companies choose Zleep Hotels as their primary hotel partner. With hotels in all of Denmark and one near Stockholm in Sweden, Zleep Hotels is a beneficial choice if you yourself or your employees work across the country. You can easily apply for a corporate agreement and save up to 20% on your company’s hotel stays.